This group is for fans who like and played Nightmare house 2 campaign for hl2 episode 2 or anyone who is scared shitless to even play. Know any friends who already has the game or want them to play feel free to invite them! I made this group for everyone out there who is fans of the new campaign Nightmare house 2 that just came out! And take the title before more groups for Nightmare house 2.
Ducks unlimited catalog. Contents List of Easter Eggs UboaNightmare House 2 UboaA video of Uboa in Nightmare House 2.Uboa comes from a 2005 adventure game named. In one particular area of the game, before murdering a girl named Poniko, there is a remote chance that after turning off the lights in a room, Uboa will appear. Uboa is mostly known for his disturbing, contorted face and the heart-pounding music accompanying Uboa's appearance.
This character holds a nightmarish grasp on many players' hearts due to Uboa's sudden and unpredictable appearance. Many who discovered him by pure accident were scared out of their minds. Uboa serves as an easter egg in in Chapter 4 while confronting the.During Chapter 4, finds himself in a hallway where several Shadows will appear. At the end of this hall, the Patient may stumble upon an empty room with a button that seems to do nothing.
If the Patient repeatedly presses said button, Uboa will eventually appear in the center of the room with an unnerving music track playing in the background. If the Patient gets too close to Uboa, he will be teleported outside of the room, and the door will be locked.In the 2015 version of, the Uboa easter egg is removed, as well as the room it is found in.WeegeeNightMare House 2 WTF??? Luigi?A video of Weegee in Nightmare House 2.Weegee is the odd version of. He has a brother named who is the odd version of Luigi's brother, Mario.
We suggest you try the with no filter applied, to browse all available. To share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Crysis 2 mods. Jan 13 2011 Released 2008 First Person ShooterWell after about a million years of searching I found one BioShock mod that showed me how you can somewhat change up this old horse Anyhow, to get to.bioshock reborn sci-fiNo mods were found matching the criteria specified. And help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers.
Weegee has the ability to hypnotize people when he makes eye contact with them and eventually starts a Weegee virus. This virus makes other individuals have the same exact face as Weegee. Weegee is best known for his creepy stare and is arguably one of the most creepiest characters of the series, despite being a meme and not an actual character licensed by Nintendo. Weegee serves as an easter egg in in Chapter 2 in the radiology department.While in Chapter 2 of the game, finds himself wandering around the radiology department.
If he goes into the first door on his left, he will find a room with a recycling bin in the corner. If the Patient moves the recycling bin aside, he will find Weegee in the corner gazing at him continuously.In the 2015 version of, the Weegee easter egg is removed.Thumbs Up This easter egg can be found at the start of Chapter 2, right after getting out of the elevator. The player needs to turn around and jump back into the elevator shaft, landing on a horizontal steel beam that's level with the floor. At the end of the beam, in a small depression in the wall, and inside there's a picture of a person giving a thumbs up.Hen MazolskiMain Article: 41225In the 2015 version of, a map named '41225' is located in the game files. If loaded via the console, the player is immediately kicked out of the map and into the main menu.
In order to access the map, the player must do so in Chapter 5. After the area where the mannequins first start haunting and after being forced to turn around due to locked double doors, there is a large, dark room with tables and mannequins. All mannequins in the room must be knocked over onto the ground. After doing so, a hole will appear in a wall in the room, leading to a level change into '41225'. The map can then be played from there.Nightmare House 2 - Map '4 1 22 5'A video of map 41225The map is set in what appears to be an old, abandoned house. It is centered around the mannequins and is constantly haunted by them in it. The Patient will frequently hear a man's voice repeating certain phrases as he progresses through the map, though the man is never seen.
There are no enemies to fight and the map is fairly linear. The Patient will appear back in the large room (with all the tables missing and waking up surrounded by mannequins) in the hospital after reaching the end of the level. The hole in the wall will be gone and cannot be accessed again in the same playthrough.The Amazing HorseAmazing HorseThe Amazing Horse is an easter egg in which can be found by typing 'mapthisisnotaneasteregg' into the console. The song is by 'Weebl's Stuff'.In the 2015 version of, the map is removed.Lyrics'Look at my horse, my horse is amazing.Give it a lick!
Mmm it tastes just like raisins.Of a stroke of its mane, it turns into a plane,And then he turns back again when you tug on his winky. Ew, that's dirty!Do you think so? Well, I better not show you where the lemonade is made.Sweet lemonade, mmm sweet lemonade, sweet lemonade, yeah sweet lemonade.' (zombie plays piano)'Get on my horse!
I'll take you 'round the universe and all the other places, too.I think you'll find that the universe pretty much covers everything!Shut up, woman, get on my horse.'
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